Regulatory compliance and conformity are now essential steps such as sales, marketing, financial management or R&D. If you underestimate this issue, you compromise the whole development of the brand.

Whether you’re an importer, a manufacturer or a distributor, CLEAR frees you from complex regulatory constraints, supports you and identifies and regulates the different stages of the marketing process, from product design to marketing.

  • Reviewing the conformity of the formula
  • Checking the labelling (EU / UK)
  • Creating the Product Information File (EU / UK)
  • Conducting statutory audits (EU / UK)
  • Europena and british portal
  • Translating notices
  • Piloting laboratory tests and safety assessments.

All these essential steps in the development of the cosmetics brand is the business of specialists. For a specific assignment, additional HR, or a specific delegation, the CLEAR team is involved remotely or on site to extend the complementarity of resources.